Tag: 52F
The Light on the Rails
This weeks entry for the 52Frames challenge, which this week was Golden Hour, that hour just after sunrise or before sunset. In this case it was just before sunset, and I loved the light catching the rails. I’m going to play about and make a black and while version of this. Watch this space.
Gratuitous Kitty Shot
I couldn’t meet this week’s brief on 52Frames, so instead here’s a photo of a cat.
When barriers break down with passing time they still leave jagged reminders to catch us. And then new barriers are put up in their place. Are we on the inside or the outside? 52Frames challenge. Inspired by John Gossage, a photographer I’ve only recently discovered but whose work resonates with me.
52Frames – 52 Picks!
I recently discovered and signed up for a website called 52Frames. It publishes a weekly photography challenge, not as a competition, but as a, well, challenge. So far I’ve entered 2 challenges, and my second one was picked for their 52 Picks curated album! I know you’re supposed to make art for yourself, but it’s…