Category: Music

  • So long TIDAL, welcome Qobuz.

    All change on the streaming front again. Why have I left TIDAL after only a few months? I don’t really feel I want to support a company part-owned by billionaire musicians that actively ignore the struggles of the people and groups they publicly, and lucratively, proclaim to support. Google it. So I’ve switched to Qobuz.…

  • Nine Inch Nails – Eden Sessions

    Nine Inch Nails – Eden Sessions

    I’ve been waiting years to see Nine Inch Nails again. I bought a ticket as soon as they were announced. They didn’t disappoint. I only took 1 photo (I didn’t want to lose my phone…). This is not really a review, just ramblings.

  • Goodbye Spotify, Hello TIDAL

    I’ve decided to cancel my Spotify Premium and make the move to TIDAL. Nothing to do with the Neil Young situation – I’m a big fan of his music, but while he has every right to not want to be associated with Joe Rogan, why does he have to promote a company known for shady…